
Hello & Welcome, I am Vijaya, once a girl from small town in South India, who always been home until graduated & left india in 2002 marrying to a perfect person and living america dream.

Thats the beginning of my story. Here I am today after 15 years of being married with 2 wonderful boys, full time job, supportive family & friends, passion for Healthy living, Music, Gardening what not.
Love the way the circumstances push my limits and landing in as a better person from yesterday.
Sweet pains, when my smart little boy’s says, Amma- I love your previous job, when u spent more time with me. I wish my mom is more organized, We are never prepared. When my mom says, remembering u on this mango season.

After all this, I Have changed my self, keeping my priorities straight, what things really matter to me and letting the rest go of. Here I am putting together to show myself how I evolved from quiet girl to a Women. In my blog, I Love to treasure these memories until I am old and gray. Words are a powerful tool which can heal, charm, show u right path, motivate & inspire…..