Stress Management

After a long break from blogging, here is an update from me.

I like to talk about stress in my life and importance of small things and big things in life.

When I was a kid, I had so much fun growing up with parents, grand parents and family around. Later when I started school in eluru, I came from a very low school and that added lot of stress. Kids are way polished, they have good grades and I struggled a lot to make good friends and to keep up with studies, but in few years.. I got up to a point where I became a leader to a group for whole school. Looking back, I still remember the stress I had when I started new school, So many good memories that I had after, but that stress surpassed all those good old memories.

I had super fun in my engineering days and so I don’t remember much of that. Bad is what keeps you following and good is what keeps you moving forward.

So many small conversations that goes inside my brain, for ex…

Me: I usually have a busy day from when I wake up till I go to bed every day. I always wanted to wake up early, so I can get some of my personal work done early in the morning

My Innerserself: my body alarm doesn’t cooperate with it- excuse 🙂

Me:I like to communicate more with friends and family

My Innerserself:I am not a phone person, wait but I spend lot of time on WhatsApp – another excuse.

Me: These Millets are buzzing everywhere, such a nonsense

My Innerserself:There may be some good about it, why will lot of people adapt to eating such tasteless food? I am still not eating 🙂

Afterall, I am a normal person, not a mahatma that I can say, I controlled all my emotions, I don’t have any desires etc..

The best thing that I learned is letting it go,

its ok to be late to an appointment,

its ok to miss a party,

its ok to skip work for a day,

its ok to extend your vacation for one more day even if it’s in last min,

its ok for kids to not finish their home works

But, it’s not ok to make it a habit of letting it go until things get out of control.

Me: This is so confusing, how do you balance ?

So many small things every day,  stress is what I cannot manage. How can I overcome it? Be more organized, better planning, being fair and keeping things straight, not postponing work, doing what I like and not caring what others are thinking. All these are easy to say, but how practical is it? Even after doing this if things are not coming into place, then I am believing there is something that is strongly forcing it to happen that way(Vedantham).

One thing I am learning these days is looking at adults and talking to them and analyzing their life style and patterns.

At least for me I classified important aspects of life into sections:

  • Kids
  • Work
  • Family and Friends
  • Financial

Let me tackle one after one:


We stress a lot at this age about kids classes and their learning, but let’s compare how many kids that excelled in school, failed later in life and vice versa. It’s all in their destiny. Parenting is tricky. I don’t care about my kids getting good grades or not, but I care if they are being responsible, constant learners, enjoy life and willing to help others. That will pay them in long term.

Later once they go to colleges, we start worrying about their future, job.. Etc. Its ok, it’s all in their destiny where they land. Just give them a supporting hand and they will just do fine.


Being asian, already inherited hard working and quick learner in DNA 🙂 Who don’t like that? If your work is not being admired and praised, “it’s time for you to move”. You spend about 1/3 rds of your life at work. It needs to be a encouraging and challenging environment, which is open to ideas. Don’t combine WORK and HOME. Switching off work side after stepping into Mom’s hat is the key.


I follow my financial guru – Robert kiyosaki. Just follow him, you don’t need to learn much here 🙂 Jokes a part, I think how much ever we have, it’s not sufficient. Someone said that if you have a roof to cover you and food on your plate you are rich than many people. But I think if you have strength and willingness to work and a brain in good condition, you can easily earn. My goal is to be independent and not to be dependent in later years of life. That is more important for me than how luxurious my life is now.

Family and Friends:

Quality is more important for me than quantity. I can say that my family and friends close to me are always there for me, what else do I need. You cannot please everyone all the time, its ok to ignore some things in life and move on..

When you think about all these big things– already have a plan built and nothing will stop happening if you stress out more… that’s why there is no point of overthinking on these small issues.

So much to write…but I will end with … nothing will stop even if you are not there, enjoy what you have while you are here. You can do ANYTHING, but not EVERYTHING.