Rishi – my boy with a character!

When this little boy is introduced to our life’s we have no idea what we are looking forward for- That’s my baby Rishi. He is 10 year old now, he is super naughty, sweet heart, he loves to be around me, very passionate about basketball- day or night if he is on a schedule he works towards it, Knows his responsibilities, very friendly- sometimes it hard for me to keep track of his friends list and his sleep over schedules :-), stylish – not sure where he got this from (both me and his dad doesn’t have those styling skills), He is the one that reminds me every day to close all doors, shut down lights before sleeping. He is guide to his brother(Ani) in most cases. Very motivated, Dramatic, chatterbox, workout freak, short tempered, have money and financial sense…and the list goes on.

It’s very rare to see so many distinguished qualities in a 10 year old kid, of course this generation is superfast, but this guy is superfast for his generation.

Rishi’s goal is to become an NBA Player, or atleast coach NBA Players 🙂

It’s not easy to raise a kid that is multitalented, he tries to put his hands on everything and try’s to imitate whatever comes in his way- that scares me. Sometimes he argues with me like a adult, with a strong voice and with a conclusion of I am doing it this way. I wish he takes a minute and thinks before he talks or comes to conclusions.

I made Upma for breakfast otherday, he doesn’t like it in general. But still I made it 🙂 My theory is to make them familiar with Indian tastes. He said that Upma is close to him now a days, I was surprised to listen that and then he explained that Upma has “amma” in it and that’s his reason, he throws all these butter biscuits at me … love this Kiddo!

He is his Dad’s boy, he has talent to convince his dad for his needs. I am strict with him(Indian parenting – if one parent is not strict kids will be spoiled mentality)

I like to save a memory from last week here- Rishi loves his hair and he spends almost 30 minutes every day before going to school styling it with gels. Almost from over an year he doesn’t let me come for his haircuts, he knows I won’t let him do his undercuts etc…. He always take his Dad and get whatever kinda of hair he needs. This time I made clear, I am coming and getting a neat haircut. He thought he can convince me. I told the stylist to do a neat hair cut. All his long grown hair is gone, looking in mirror he was so upset and cried for almost an hour, that he doesn’t look good. He gave me so much crap, he is not going to school with this cut etc.. Etc..

But look today, don’t have his hands on his hair while playing, no more time waste before going to school on styling, can take head bath whenever needed 🙂 There is a reason for me being strict.. Right Rishamma 🙂

I am sure this guy will end up very successful, if he works on his focus and controls that short temper, not sure at this point where I can help on, that works for him.

Rishi, I am sure you will make me proud sometime soon being a responsible and successful young man, Love you TONS! I wish you all success in whatever path you step into!