Reunion – Class of 1996

One fine day my friend Malli pinged me on whats app to ask that our High school friends are planning for a reunion in US and if I am interested to join. I decided right at that moment, I am going. After that, I gave a good thought. I have Ghajani memory and barely remembered anything from school days, plus its been decades since I met all these ladies. Will I be in sync, what will they be up to, will this be fun??? So many thoughts. But I said I am going.

Finally Date decided November 9th and venue is in Las Vegas, I jumped and said perfect as one of my dream half marathon run is in Las Vegas and on that same weekend… yippie. From that day on-wards everything came in line with the planning. Not much planning needed other than Booking flight, stay and shows. Enthusiasm started the day before trip when everyone said they are packing and getting ready. Finally that day arrived, My flight is not until 6pm.. rest of all the girls started and some reached..posting their pictures made me think, I made a big mistake to come to work and wait until end of day to reach my destination. Even though I am working my heart went to Vegas early. I didn’t realized how fast the journey went. I reached there …. …

I should tell other side of story as well- at home, My kids are not happy that I am going. My husband is full of support, you should go and meet friends. I have hands full with kids activities. Luckily Ani went on out of town swim meet. Rishi is home alone with his Dad, but he got basketball games scheduled both days. Amma & Dad are here in US with us that helped a lot, My family is being very supportive of anything I like to do…but still I have that guilt, that I did not prepare well at home for me to be away for 2 days… left to trip with that guilt…

Landed in LAS, went to airbnb rental, as soon as the door opened… kicha kicha, from that point non stop talking from my school buddies. I can relate their faces now. Amazed to see their energy levels. Sowji packed all the stuff and brought as checked in stuff, including groceries, decorations what not… I was left awful. 

In short these girls are all amazing. I can write a blog on each of them. I used to think I am crazy among my set of friends, but meeting my childhood buddies, now I know where it all came from, my SCHOOL. It taught us a lot, when to be caring, when to be a leader, when to stand for your self, decision making skills, being tough and strong. In precise my impression of my buddies who I met after 22 years is as follows: Sowji- Leader, Prasanthi- allaripilla, Jyothi- sweet heart, VBD – composed, Swarna Deepthi- diva, Swarna Latha – chatterbox, Deepthi prakash- calm & cute , Killi – still a child.. i enjoyed to core. All these are like Shadruchulu… mixed very well that made a sweet memory for life. 

Learning about each individual, how strong they are now, how well they shaped their career, how they grew from little young girls to ladies with their beautiful character, …cant express my happiness. We shared so much from past and present.

One common thing I noticed is everyone is so grounded and just went with the flow. No complaints, no inhibitions, of-course nothing to complain about, Souji planned it so well…. anything that comes out of your mouth is ready there, right in-front of you. I can go on and on and on– talking about this trip.

So much of chatting for 2 days and now its time to be parted away. Good byes and well wishes, we all left the place slowly with heavy hearts but with full of memories. Now, its time for me to run the Half-marathon in Las Vegas STRIP at NIGHT under the LIGHTS. I am excited and pumped up… Am I ready, yes mentally, but physically I am not. Lets see how it goes. I always think if you are mentally strong, you can do anything.. I am over enthusiastic, I literally killed my body on this run. But… but… its my most enjoyed run. 40,000 people ran the race, Energy everywhere, cheering from crowds to band every mile. There is a saying that any idiot can run, but it takes a special idiot to run half marathon, I am very proud to say that I am that special IDIOT.


I should mention the support from my family and friends, incredible. I am so lucky and fortunate to be in the place where I am today. Signing off for now…

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