Need that push

I am always that kind of person that likes to try everything, even though I don’t have much insights of it, I love to learn. Amma & Dad always laugh at me with all the stunts I did when I was a kid. Started learning Dance, Veena, Shorthand, into NCC, played Basketball for school, Participated in shuttle tournaments…not just one. I appreciate my parents encouraging me for all I wanted to do, which is not typical in south Indian Hindu community. That went into my life style and I can’t keep myself leisure. Also, my approach on any art is- lots of people already did this, you are not first person. When so many did it already why cant you do it.  Some of my friends call me a TOUGH NUT 🙂 I take that as a compliment. After a while you get along with the routine life style with day – day activities, that definitely keeps you busy, does that mean you are enjoying what you are doing?

I have so many plans that goes in my brain, wanted to see myself travelling places, interacting with friends out side of my comfort zone. Wanted to learn new things, interested to do a triathlon.. so many things I like to do. Where do I have time, full time job is not just 9 hours…its completely exhausting and taking most of my brain power. Tired at the end of day. Managing kids calendars is getting harder as well. I need to either compromise on my sleep or something else which I don’t know where I have time. I seriously want to do masters degree and some certification courses. I need that push from my inner self to do that. One day I will start and set myself into reading mode…why not that one day is today.

I just got one life and wanted to experience as much as I can, don’t want to tie myself with experiences that I already had. I needed to be committed for my challenges and that will keep me pushing harder and further to achieve what I like to end up with. DONT STOP, PUSH HARDER & KEEP GOING!