
I was thinking last week one day, me and SV manages stuff perfect at home…it may sound silly, but I load dishwasher in the morning and he empties it in evening after coming home. He put rice before taking off for kids activities and I make curries. I do load laundry and he helps with folding them. There is a part and share of every individual job we do at home, except that I don’t get involved in kids studies and finances. SV takes responsibilities of all that alone, taking lot of stress off of my plate. And still I complain too much too handle 🙂

I now realized the value of having a strong support. SV had an eye surgery last week(stupid eye issues he is having) without realizing how big it is. He is in pain and cannot even open his eyes for few days. I don’t know how to even express my feelings those days, I am completely swamped with taking care of him, kids activities, cooking, feeding them, plus medical needs for SV. I had lots of tears hidden, cant manage time. Getting behind on simple things, stress levels are going up.. I need a shoulder to cry at that moment. But then realized it is all temporary, it wont last long. The situation came to measure your strength of dealing things and when you realize you are stronger than what you think and braver than what you believe, all the simple things will come in place. Plus the support I have from family and friends gives me the power, knowing I am not alone.

I wish these days pass by soon and the suffering SV & we as family going through be gone. I need my sweat heart to be back and full in action, I cannot handle the mental stress to check mail, pay bills, work related stuff, plus kids, plus communicating to parents, plus blah blah blah… I love to be dependent on this guy. I don’t have maturity to deal all of these on my own…….