Proud of my Kids!

“I am proud of so many things in my life, but nothing beats being a mother” is a quote I read somewhere, I couldn’t agree more with it. So proud of my boys (Ani & Rishi).

They both are very hardworking, smart and responsible kids. On top of all they make sure that Amma is happy always. Such a sweet and cute kids I have. Both have complete contrast personalities. One is like Gautama Buddha and other is a chatter box with loads of naughtiness.

Since Ani was child, he is very calm, he know what he needs and convey’s slowly.  He is slow at times, but that doesn’t mean he is behind, he uses the initial time to learn basics strong. He acquires lots of knowledge, but he never shows that out, unless the time arises. The way he analyzes people and situation is awesome, I am bowled so many times by the questions he ask. Wish he talks more and shares his knowledge with me. I wish to see him complain the things he doesn’t like, and ask us what he needs. I really don’t like his adjust-mental nature, I like him to grow like a boss and demand for the things he needs. He wants to become a Neuro surgeon or a Military Doctor, it takes lots of effort to get there, I am sure he can achieve it.

Rishi is exact opposite, he shows everything out, cant keep anything inside him, love, hate, fear what not. All his emotions are right there in-front of my eyes. Demands and fights for all he needs. Super smart kid, you just tell him ones and he go it, he has ears all over his body, and his brain processes it all in a high speed. People person, always with friends and learns from them. He wants to become a basket ball player, he is working hard towards that goal, I wish he can put more efforts and reach his goal. Without him, its boring at home. My crazy dude.

Along with school and their after hour interests in swimming and basketball, they regularly perform at Telugu association community events. They have been on stage so many times performing in group’s, the recent one made me so proud of my boys standing tall and diverged from routine. Rishi did a role of an Indian scientist and he spoke about Mokshagundam visveswarayya in telugu. What else can I say, he is more of a american kid that uses english day to day. The way he practiced and did it on stage made me proud. Ani Played guitar, first time with a music instrument on stage with about thousand audience in auditorium. Everyone surprised to see a 11 yr old playing that well with ease and no single mistake. He worked really hard and put in lots of practice time, even while his fingers hurt. Love you Ani babu..cant express my feelings in words. Its very tough to maintain good grades, plus the passions you work along. You both are gifted.

One proud Momma! I will end this post with a note – “It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves, that will make them successful human beings”.