New Year 2018

New hopes, new strength, new habits, resolutions..correct!

Overall 2017 is very happening year for our family. So much stuff that we didn’t experienced before, tasted that in 2017. Both my parents and in-laws visited us at same time, that’s a big thing for me. Very stressful thought of having both families together for about 4 months, but we managed this well. Had nice time at TANA, NATS, Trip to Niagara Falls, Pittsburg, Chicago, Dayton, San Francisco.

Siri, met accident while parents are around, that’s a big impact emotionally, very lucky she is out with few injuries. But we all had heavy hearts thinking what if.. took a while to re coupe from this. SV has lot going on with his eye macular edima, don’t know what I can do to help with other than some emotional support.

I learned how to swim on my own(my biggest fear and life skill finally under control), Got into running and physical fitness at best. My PCP, Endocrinology doctor’s are all happy with my health and everything is under control and in good counts.

Kids are growing fast. Ani started middle school and 6:30 AM start of school day for him. They both are progressing into their own interests and lot of decision and research on what suits best for their training etc..etc.. Overall 2017 is a mixed year with lot of good and a little bit of bad..

Hope 2018 will bring Joy and Laugh in the faces of all I meet. I want to make some good habits for life, like reading books, doing 10 mins workout everyday in the morning, travel to new places, de-clutter and simple living style, involve more with kids school activities, take training and certifications..

This year started with freezing temperatures, had a awesome party to kick off new year with friends.