Happy Birthday Amma..

Happy birthday to Amma!

More than a mom she is a best friend of me. So many qualities that I admire in her, wished I was like her in so many situations. She is the back pillar of me today standing in this role, as a working women. My mom always says, it doesn’t matter how much your parents have and support you, every girl should have their own financial income, every girl should be in a position to be on their own. It seems to be a strong statement, but that makes lot of sense.

She always goes above and beyond for the people she loves, she turns as a kid when surrounded by them. Her patience and care towards grand kids is unbelievable. I always tell her that I can never do that way. The way she gets emotional about small things and I advise her to let go and take it easy, makes me her big sister.

Amma is beautiful, both me and Siri didn’t get her charming looks, I always wanted to have a fair skin like her when I was a kid, tried to match her skin tone all the time 🙂 Her styling is really good, her taste of colors and new trends. She is my stylist. I still have fresh memories of her shopping skills from my childhood.

Never remember her as a strict mom, she gave us full freedom and at same time she taught us how to be an responsible individual. Wish I can inherit her qualities and pass along to future generations.

Love you Amma, very happy birthday and many more happy returns, wish I spend more time with you on your special day.

One Reply to “Happy Birthday Amma..”

  1. Very well said sis.. Love u loads ammaaaa😘😘😘… shez my first love and will be forever… i use to get jealous if she cares anyone else more than me and i still am 😡. Shez a Heroine material for me.. Very soft, good at heart, obey elders, down to earth, dont hate anyone… and very important Glamourous 💃 all these qualities in one person.. can u believe it … its my mom… i managed to make her bad sometimes but didnt suceed all through 😀… Happy Birthday Ammaa!!!!

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