What a weekend!

On Friday, all I have on my schedule is Frostbite run(12K) on Saturday and dinner with friends on Sunday. That’s pretty relaxing schedule, isn’t it? But see how my weekend turned out 🙂

Already my body is all in pain with a weight training @JCC on thursday, and then started my run saturday with temparature below 35degree’s. First mile went ok, then I started thinking- is this really needed for me. All Elite athletes were on the track and trying my best to cope up with them is a challenge, Did my best- but OMG my body hurts really bad, and my feet soar. Came home and realized its time to take Ani to swim practice, So I did. By the time I came home its 1PM.

Had lunch and took Ani to teakwondo. Then my sweet husband comes home and tells me about his evening gettogether with colleagues, I ended up making Keema puffs for them and then Veg Pulao for us to eat for dinner. What a day right. Wrapped the day with Puff’s, Pulao and movie.

Next day woke up and made Upma for breakfast, and then Rishi comes and asked me to come for his BasketBall tournament. My baby munchkin is making good progress, he already played 2 games on Saturday and today is semi’s and finals. Went to his game and his team won, so entered into finals, he gave a tough fight. His team lost, but lots of take back’s from this tournament for him. Went to lunch @Panera with Siri family. As I promised Rishi, he played well so have to go buy new BB shoes for him 🙁 2PM – 6PM, Did shopping, cooking for next week (Made Cauliflower, cabbage, Aloo on hubby’s request)…I am exhausted, now its time for myself with friends for dinner. Headed out and had a blast with my GF’s. All the stress and running around the weekend is gone…that’s the power of friends 🙂