Keeping priorities straight- it’s that simple!

I said so many times and heard form others “I am very busy now, can I get back to you?” That is true, you may be working on something that is urgent for that moment. What I learned is, most of us spend lot of time on what is urgent, but not what is important. One should act on what is important first, but not urgent.

Life gives you all kinds of challenges every single day and very unbalanced. Its one’s conscious decision to choose the priorities and right things for you that suits the needs of the day.

Make a plan and list of all items you need to do for the day, for the week, for the month and long term list. Keep in mind your day schedule may change, you thought one thing as high priority to do this month, but that can change tomorrow. Everything can change depending on the situation you are in. Let’s take the happy path, you have a list to accomplish, rank them. What’s more important takes first row, rest all you should have courage to say with a smile and pleasant face ‘NO’.

The life you have left is a gift. Cherish it and do what matters to you “NOW”. Enough of Vedanta for the day.. keep smiling and move on 🙂