Its not easy being a swim M0M

Swimming is an amazing sport & competitive swim trains true Athletes. Even though its an individual sport, I was bowled by the support from the team.

Ani started swimming when he is 7, he tried different sports, but swimming seems to be his favorite. But, he never took it serious until he joined Rockwood swim team. Amazing coaches, very good support and encouragement. He improved a lot in few months, where he cried on his first swim meet, out of breath on 200IM – close to BB cut on his 3rd meet and being named as “Swimmer of the month” on news letter. So proud of him.

Its very new to me, terminology is new, swim meets are new. Weekends are packing everything and spending most of the day in bullpen area and volunteering as timer/safety person. Learning something new about swimming everyday and with every meet. My main concern when Ani started swim is will he enjoy and grow, is the coaching right, right team etc..etc..but we are in a very amateur state to worry about it all. Just work on Ani being comfortable, challaenged and confident.

Take your mark “BEEP” is my routine now.