Managing Priorities

So, you have “Trick or Treating” coming up, need to practice for Veena music class, cleaning home, Laundry, family coming over for dinner…how do you tackle all these things in few hours??

I always get this anxious  feeling of bubbles in my tummy when I think I cant handle all at once. Realty is, right you cant do all. How do you manage then?

List all the things you need to do, and pick Most Important Things(MIT) that takes lead. Trick or treat comes fist in list- can’t let kids down on this.

Then comes the family dinner- very thankful for the weekend cooking, just put rice in the cooker and warm the dishes vola…, dinner ready. 

Cleaning and Laundry will wait – Happy family and crystal clear home doesn’t go well together. Thanks to my husband, that helps with laundry! Cleaning- I did after kids went to bed. The only thing that’s left for the day is Veena Practice, well it took back bench..I signed off for another happy day with a plan to tackle for next day…